This article provides a possible solution to the problem you might have: OData service was not transported.


  • OData Service is not included into the transport.
  • OData Service in the target system is not active.


  • OData Service was activated, but saved locally.


Change development package for the Service correspondingly.


  1. Open transaction SE03 Transport organizer tools.
  2. Go to Change Object Directory Entries.
    SE03 -> Change Object Directory Entries
  3. Add selection fields for object types IWSG SAP Gateway: Service Group... and IWOM SAP Gateway: Model Metadata..., proved the names of the corresponding objects.
    Add selection fields for object types
  4. Execute, changing the development package correspondingly.
  5. Upon changing the package, the system asks for a Transport Request, provide an open transport.
  6. Release the request, import it to the corresponding system.

Verified systems

  • SAP S/4HANA 2022

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